Computer ◆ Conservation ◆ Society
-: Our Computer Heritage Project :-

Some of the systems covered on the Our Computer Heritage Site.


Here you'll find technical information on two groups of early British-designed computers:

The first group covers Mainframe computers manufactured by six historic UK companies that came onto the market in the period 1950-1965;
Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd.;
Ferranti Ltd.;
Leo Computers Ltd.;
English Electric Ltd.;

The second group covers minicomputers that came onto the market in the period 1965-1985, manufactured by:
Business Computers Ltd.;
Computer Technology Ltd.;
Ferranti Ltd.;
High Level Hardware Ltd.;
Information Computer Systems.;

To see detailed technical information on the deliveries and applications, hardware and software, etc., for these early British computers, follow the links in the menu on the left. If you are new to the computer terminology of the 1940s and 1950s, you may find the Glossary helpful. If you'd like to see which UK museums have displays or items of equipment from the early British computers featured on this site, click on Where to see bits.

The information on this website has been collected since 2004 by volunteers from the Computer Conservation Society (CCS). The names of individuals and organisations who have helped with our computer history project are given under Acknowledgements.

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Update Sep 2024 NWB